Subconscious: of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings.
MiThot You Are What You Think!
Cognitive-Olfaction Programing
Health, Wealth, Success, Confidence, Love, Joy, Inner Peace, Happiness, Your Desired Body Weight.
We all want these conditions to be part of our lives!
MiThot Guides You to Develop the Thoughts, Feelings, and Emotions that attract the Conditions Necessary to Manifest Your Goals, Dreams, and Desires.
Thoughts create our belief, and belief shapes our lives.
MiThot, Cognitive-Olfaction programming retrains the subconscious mind to generate thought patterns that clear mental blocks and open new pathways to The Lifestyle You Desire And Deserve!
Don't wait any longer to have what you want in life.
Intentional Thought Is Life Changing!
MiThot Cognitive- Olfaction Programing
Science has demonstrated that aromas trigger feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
We all have feelings associated with certain smells.
Where your attention goes, energy flows!
Cognitive-olfaction programming is a mind training tool designed to trigger the brain to create positive, healthy thoughts and replace habitual, negative thoughts that can dominate our lives.
Practice Makes Permanent!
Focus and imagine feelings, emotions, and the control associated with the conditions you desire in your life.
Picture yourself in your ideal situation while breathing in the fragrance you've chosen to associate with the desired out come you wish to manifest.
The goal is to develop an association and cognitive trigger with the positive thoughts, feelings, and emotions you desire and the fragrance in the MiThot Compact.

Remember the feelings and emotions you associate with certain scents.
Baby Powder, freshly baked bread, certain perfumes, certain colones, the scent on the clothes of someone you love. The sense of smell is a profoundly powerful stimulant for feelings and emotions. This is the Scientific principle behind Cognitive-Olfaction Programming.